All About Identity Theft

Identity theft is a serious crime affecting millions of people a year and accounting for the loss of billions of dollars every year as well. Find out more about identity theft, what it is, and how thieves go about stealing an identity on our What Is Identity Theft? page. You may also be interested in reading more about the history of identity theft and checking out some identity theft statistics to further understand this crime and its consequences.  Also find out more about comprehensive identity theft protection and correction resources for individuals and businesses.

Now that you realize the seriousness of identity theft and the potential it has to affect your own life, you probably want to be clear about the signs of identity theft so that you can tell if you've been victimized. You probably also want to learn all about identity theft protection and prevention so you can reduce your own risk of becoming a victim. Find out how to protect your personal information, keep your cards, documents, and passwords safe, and monitor your financial accounts and credit information as major steps to keeping yourself safe from identity theft. You may also want to look into identity theft insurance to feel extra secure. Hiring a reliable shredding company to dispose of unwanted confidential information is a great way to prevent identity theft.

You may also be wondering what to do if your identity is stolen in case you ever become a victim of identity theft. Although it is a long, arduous process to restore your life back to normal after your identity has been stolen, it's possible if you know what to do, especially if you've already been practicing our tips on identity theft protection and prevention.




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Spyware has many ways of getting onto your computer, such as:

When you download programs - particularly freeware, or peer-to-peer sharing programs.

More covertly, spyware can install itself just by you visiting certain sites, by prompting you to download an application to see the site properly.

ActiveX controls. These pesky spyware makers will prompt you to install themselves while using your Internet browser