SpamLaws - how to stop scams and fraud is dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date information on issues affecting Internet security. Our team of writers, programmers, researchers and Internet experts are committed to ensuring our work is of the highest quality possible. We are devoted to supplying our readers with the best Internet protection information and are constantly striving to learn more about and report on the latest and most up-to-date Internet security issues, software, and protection.
We also investigate common Internet based scams and fraud issues to help our readers protect themselves from the most current Internet threats. We stay on top of all the newest and most advanced security protection software to help you choose the best way to protect your computer and online identity. In addition, we endeavor to help our readers deal with issues of Internet viruses, identity theft, malware, and spam in order to provide you with the quickest way defuse potentially harmful situations for you and your computer.
We hope helps you with all of your Internet security needs!
Your Online Security Resource
Viruses, spam, spyware - the list seems endless. Indeed, as technology becomes more sophisticated and accessible, so too do methods of corrupting them. And unfortunately, at some point or another, we will all fall victim to one or more of these potentially dangerous computer threats.
So what can you do protect your personal information? You can start by getting informed.
Spam Laws
Spam emails are a huge annoyance to Internet-goers. But with some 80% of all emails reported as unsolicited, the numbers don't appear to be decreasing. This has many people wondering just what is being done to protect their privacy. Learn what anti spam laws are in place where you live.
Learn MoreSpyware
Have you noticed your computer is performing at less than optimal capacity? More likely than not, spyware is to blame. Find out about the latest and most effective spyware removal programs, as well as tips on how to prevent this unwanted material from taking over your computer.
Learn MoreIdentity Theft
Identity theft is on the rise, affecting some 10 million Americans annually. And with the Internet making access to personal information more readily available, cause for concern is growing ever greater. So just what can you do to protect yourself from becoming the next victim? Read on for tips and advice.
Learn MoreLatest Articles
Fraud causes hundreds of millions of dollars in damage each year and affects just as many people.
Credit card fraud is the most common type of fraud to occur each year and cost its victims up to $500 million dollars in damages each year. Despite the frequent occurrence of this type of fraud, millions of credit card users are still unaware of how to protect themselves against this type of thievery.
No one is completely safe from being defrauded. But, by learning how to protect against fraud, you will be better equipped to prevent yourself from falling into a scam that could cost you everything. Taking the time to protect yourself can help to keep you safe.