How to Recover Hard Drive Data

If you are storing all of your data on your PC's hard drive you are probably aware that your information is not entirely safe from computer crashes or physical damages that can occur with the hard drive. Hard drive data recovery is necessary when you have experienced a system crash or damage to your hard drive. Although it is not impossible to recover the data, the process cannot be accomplished through normal retrieval methods.

How to Recover Hard Drive Data

There are a few routes you can take to try and recover data from your hard drive depending upon how your data was lost. For example, if there is physical damage to the hard drive it may not be possible to recover all of the data. If your system crashed the hard drive may not be damaged and the data can be recovered.

  • Manual Recovery: To perform manual recovery make sure your PC has at least 64MB RAM and runs on the Windows operating system. Boot the computer and during the process press the F2 key to enter the BIOS which will tell you if the hard drive is detected by your PC. Have a new hard drive handy and install a new operating system. Once the operating system is installed connect the damaged hard drive to the second cable on your PC. When the drive is prepared, begin to recover your data from the corrupted hard drive.
  • Data Recovery Software: There are many different types of data recovery software that can help you retrieve the data from your hard drive. Before choosing software make sure you read the reviews and talk to people who have actually used the software so you do not end up in a worse position when you try to deploy the software. A quality hard drive data recovery program will be capable of recovering data that has been lost under a variety of different conditions. It should also perform an automatic backup copy of all of the data that is retrieved.
  • Data Recovery Specialist: There are a lot of data recovery specialists that are skilled in data recovery for large organizations and individual home users. Although they will charge you a fee for data recovery this may be a viable option if you are not skilled in manual recovery and the data recovery software you use has failed to recover your data. A specialist can also be useful if you are not sure how your data was lost. Depending upon the problem, the method of data recovery will vary and your specialist can determine the best route to take.
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