Types of Adware: ClickSpring

Adware has become a major problem that has even surpassed the threat of computer viruses in regard to number of infections.  These programs have been at the center of major controversy with a handful of supporters and many more critics.  Some types of adware are mild, while others are rather hostile and come with many spyware capabilities.  Generally, it will serve as a major distraction with repeated pop-up ads and also slow down computer performance, factors that make adware very unattractive. 

ClickSpring, often referred to by security vendors as PurityScan, is a more subtle adware program yet also has many questionable features.   Several vendors have labeled it as a PUP (potentially unwanted program) rather than malware, which refers to any kind of malicious software.   Regardless of the label, this adware has raised concern due to the way it functions. 

This article will provide you with an overview of the ClickSpring program and explain how it can impact your computer. 

The Truth about ClickSpring

Unlike some forms of adware, ClickSpring has no characteristics of a virus or Trojan.  However, it is frequently bundled with other software and downloaded without the user's knowledge.  When the original application is executed, the ClickSpring adware performs a stealth installation.  It is known to create several BHO (browser helper object) entries in the registry and injects a DLL. file into the Internet Explorer application.  This enables it to make slight modifications to your web browser such as adding toolbars and buttons. 

ClickSpring was designed to be a direct-marketing program.  The ads it displays may take many different forms such as banners, pop-ups, pop-unders or links built within web pages or sections of the Windows interface.  Some of the advertising may including text ads displayed with the ClickSpring application itself or search bars, side bars and search results.  The adware is behavioral based and tracks the web sites you browse, enabling it to display ads relevant to your preferences.  This is made possible by the program's ability to collect data at any time and report it back to the ClickSpring server, a process that is typically done without user consent. It gathers sensitive data from your browser cache, cookies, temporary internet files and search history.  

While there have not been any reports of major damage, ClickSpring has been known to install via security exploits and other potentially harmful software.  It has also been speculated that this program has the ability to install other types of adware, including spyware onto your system. 

How to Remove ClickSpring

Fortunately, this program isn't as difficult to remove as some types of adware.  It generally installs with an uninstall function that can be accessed within the "Add/Remove programs" feature of the Windows operating system.  In most cases, the software will uninstall on the first attempt.  If your computer is infected with multiple types of adware and ClickSpring just happens to be one of them, manually removing it maybe impossible.  In this instance, you should reinstall the operating system or take the machine in for repairs. 

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