Types of Pop-ups


Pop-ups are a terrible annoyance that have claimed fame right along with the internet. While they have been contained to some extent, these bothersome Java-fueled scripts still manage to ruin our surfing experience every now and then. Some pop-ups are more than an inconvenience. They just might lead to adware programs or even worse, malicious spyware. In this article we will overview three of the most common types of pop-ups and share a few secrets on how to deal with them.

Pop-up Ads

This type of pop-up generally contains advertisements for a product, service or special offer. In many cases, they do not carry malicious intent and even appear on well known corporate sites. Even though they are harmless for the most part, it's a good idea to avoid them unless they offer some direct benefit. A reliable free program or an integrated browser tool will certainly help to keep these pests off your screen.

The Google Toolbar is a popular tool mainly downloaded for its search engine feature. However, it also serves as a good popup blocker. The Yahoo Toolbar is another effective tool that does a fine job at keeping these annoyances away.

Fake Pop-ups

These deceptive pop-ups are usually tied to spam messages. For instance, you might receive a pop-up window similar to a system error message or maybe even an instant messaging service asking you to install particular software. This is actually very common in versions 2000 and XP of the Windows operating system. These messages are typically distributed by intruders taking advantage of vulnerable entry points such as TCP ports 135, 137, 139 and 145 or UDP ports 135, 137 and 138. If a pop-up asks that you disable a messaging service, do not oblige as it could possibly harm your computer. The best way to stop this form of intrusion is to enable the built-in Windows Firewall, or even better, install a commercial firewall product from a vendor like Zone Alarm or McAfee.

Adware and Spyware Pop-ups

The worst type of pop-up is indicated when you begin to frequently receive adult-orientated advertisements or other offensive content. This is a telling sign that your computer may have already been infected by an adware or spyware program. These programs can be very damaging with varying effects from a sluggish performance to something much worse. While genuine adware generally only serves advertisements, some of them qualify as dangerous spyware and have the ability to monitor your computer activities, collect your personal data and transmit it to unknown sources. Other spyware programs known as key loggers have the ability to record your keystrokes, something that could lead to the theft of confidential data. Equipped with the right details, an internet criminal can inflict a wide range of damage.

If you think you have adware or spyware running wild on your computer, it is imperative to take initiative and remove it immediately. This will require a reliable spyware removal tool which should be able to effectively detect and remove both threats. These are programs you do not want on your system whether they are bombarding the screen with pop-ups or performing other sneaky activities.

To stay protected from the different types of pop-ups, we recommend the following preventative measures:

•Install and activate a reliable pop-up blocker

•Enable your firewall

•Install an anti-malware program

•Frequently update your anti-malware program

•Configure your system for regular Windows updates

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